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18th Century Portraits

A4 size print

57 portraits



There are various sizes of portrait within a collection of 57 images

They are approx.

  • 45mm x 55mm
  • 55mm x 65mm 
  • 85mm x 105mm
  • 85mm x 115mm
  • 81mm x 100mm


You will not receive anything in the post.

I found these wonderful portraits in my files and used to sell them at fairs. They are absolutely beautiful portraits and all 18th century. The majority being mid to late 18th century.


This listing is for a digital download only. You will receive a link to download a Jpeg or PDF. All images are clear and good resolution and wont appear pixilated if printing the sheet at A4 size. Once you have downloaded your image you can then save it to a suitable file on your computer ready for printing. Please contact me if you have any difficulties. 


The size of the print is A4 (A4 size is 8 1/4" x 11 3/4") and so can be printed on any main UK standard paper. If you want a quality print aim for a heavier weight of paper. I like to use 180gms but anything less than this will be fine. 


How to use them

The portraits can be used in so many ways. You could simply back them onto card and hang them, texture them to look like they have been painted in oils or use a crackle glaze to create the look of cracked varnish. Maybe the paintings are piled up in an attic looking old and dusty ready to be discovered! 

Most of the designs will be suitable for a few of our frames so mounting these is easy - most of the portraits have a 5mm allowance for overlapping the frame insert and once printed they can be glued onto the back of the frame





Restrictions for customers:

The downloadable digital link will be available for 30 days after purchase. 

Once purchased refunds can not be made.
This design has copyright restrictions.
Download file not for resale 

Printed Copies of prints are not permitted for resale
The user is permitted to use this file in the creation of something else and is permitted to sell that item containing the print eg a portrait in a frame or a portrait treated so it looks glazed.


I sponsor a young person and his family who is living in Bangladesh. The proceeds from the sale will go directly to them.

18th Century Portraits DIGITAL DOWNLOAD A4 18th Century

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